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Spaces Repetition

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time. The basic idea is to revisit the material you are trying to learn at specific intervals, with each review session occurring just as you are about to forget the information. This approach is based on the spacing effect, a psychological phenomenon where information is better retained when learning is spread out over time, rather than cramming it all into a single session.

The key principles of spaced repetition include:

1. Optimal Timing

The intervals between review sessions are carefully timed to maximize the effectiveness of memory retention. The goal is to review information just before you're likely to forget it.

2. Active Recall

Instead of passively reviewing material, spaced repetition often involves actively recalling information from memory. This engages your brain more deeply and reinforces the learning.

3. Adaptive Scheduling

The intervals are adjusted based on your performance. If you remember the information well, the next review might be scheduled further in the future. If you struggle, the next review might be scheduled sooner.

Image associations (DALLE)

Image associations can aid memory recall through a phenomenon known as the "picture superiority effect" and the way the brain processes and stores visual information. Here are a few reasons why image associations are effective for memory recall:

1. Dual Coding Theory

This theory suggests that information is more likely to be remembered when it is processed both visually and verbally. Images provide a visual representation of information, and when paired with words or concepts, they create a dual coding that strengthens memory.

2. Picture Superiority Effect

Research has consistently shown that people tend to remember pictures better than words alone. The picture superiority effect suggests that information presented in the form of images is more likely to be remembered and recalled than the same information presented in a verbal or text-based format.

3. Vividness and Emotional Impact

Images are often more vivid and emotionally resonant than words alone. The brain tends to prioritize and remember emotionally charged or visually striking information. Associating information with memorable images can enhance the emotional and visual impact, making it more likely to be stored and retrieved later.

4. Spatial Memory

Visual information is often linked to spatial memory. When you create mental images or associations, you may be organizing information spatially, which can provide additional cues for retrieval. The spatial context associated with images can help create a more robust memory trace.

5. Association and Linking

Creating associations between images and information helps form connections in the brain. When you link a concept or fact with a visual image, you establish a cognitive link that can facilitate retrieval. This associative linking can be a powerful mnemonic strategy.

6. Enhanced Engagement

Engaging multiple senses, including vision, can enhance overall engagement with the material. When learners actively engage with visual content, it can lead to a deeper level of processing and encoding, contributing to better memory retention.

In educational settings and memory improvement techniques, leveraging image associations is often part of mnemonic strategies, such as the method of loci (associating information with specific locations in a familiar environment) or the use of visual mnemonics.

In summary, image associations enhance memory recall by capitalizing on the brain's preference for visual information, creating dual coding, and leveraging the vividness, emotional impact, and spatial aspects of images to strengthen memory traces.

Widget & Night mode support

Adding widget support on iOS as well as night mode for improved readability.

Document/Book scanning

If you are a student or a big reader this is for you! Just scan pages at the time and increase your recall.